Not many guru's play in pre. However I believe if you look up (I think that's the site)
But they will be able to help more then many of us can help for the more common items, but I think with the Vizu the price is going to be whatever price someone is willing to pay. They're worth ~600e in post these days IMO but the post price is almost totally irrelevant except for determining what your minimum pre price should be(ecto:BD ratio is about 1:10).
My guess is it's worth a whole lot more, but that finding a buyer is going to take time unless someone has been waiting.
I think you can only put up a thread(possibly here and on the boards linked above for exposure), be patient, and see where bids go. There isn't really a way to PC a Vizu because there is a very small supply, but also not many people in the pre community who can compete in bidding on it.
ye,I know the price on vizu post,but I thought I throw in the post price on vizu since that price multiplied with like 10 times.
but Id imagine that that pre vizu would be really expensive,but 2000bd? come on.
but vizu is way more expensive than zhed so.